My Honest Buzz AI Review In 2024: Is It Even Worth The Price?

Buzz AI Review

Welcome to my honest Buzz AI review where I will be exposing everything you need to know about Buzz AI

Buzz AI is a cloud-based robust dealing closing sales engagement platform that is designed for business of all sizes. Business can widen their reach using the tool’s wide range of features.

The platform has an intuitive user interface that makes it one of the easiest tools to use. If you are looking for a tool to take your sales engagement to the next level, you should just consider Buzz.

Buzz AI leads the sales technology market with the easiest to use and most effective sales engagement solution for any size team.

In this article, I’m going to be telling you more about Buzz AI.

What is Buzz AI?

Buzz AI is a cloud-based robust deal-closing sales engagement platform that is made for businesses of all sizes.

AI Sales Engagement Platform
Buzz AI

Buzz AI sales engagement platform that allows your sales team to engage more prospects and close more deals.

Buzz is a cloud-based robust deal-closing sales engagement platform that is designed for businesses of all sizes.

The proprietary lead generation technology allows you to attract the most suitable high-value and relevant prospects.

Quick summary of my experience with Buzz AI

From the moment I started using Buzz, I was impressed by its user-friendly interface and the range of features it offers.

However, what truly sets Buzz apart is its outstanding customer support. Isaac McEwen, in particular, has been a beacon of assistance, ensuring that my concerns were addressed promptly and professionally.

His dedication to customer success is evident, and it's reassuring to know that there's a team at Buzz that genuinely cares about its users.

Another thing I like about Buzz is it convenience it's really quick to generate and launch multiple multichannel campaigns and manage them.

All at one place the automation and suggest and provides distancing and has saved my valuable time like Leads automation.

It also automatically records the data of the campaigns which we can use to improve our future.

What I Like About Buzz AI

  1. The best attribute of Buzz is that one can create and launch much multiple Multi-channel campaigns very quickly while being super efficient. Our team creates several campaigns to check the initial response and modify and continue the best performing campaigns.
  2. The automation is phenomenal in Buzz. It provides an awesome automated analysis of the ongoing and finished campaigns which helps in in your future campaigns. It also helps in automating the process of contacting the potential clients.
  3. The UI is really great and easy to use. It's learning curve is really low hence, its very light upon a beginner. My didn't find any issue during the onboarding due to its great UI.

What I Hate

  1. It's expensive price. This is a huge entry barrier one has to cross which is not possible for many. It then becomes inaccessible for many which leads to them switching to other providers.
  2. There are bunch of bugs I have faced which made me question its finishing. Like there are various hiccups in just the loading the dashboard, the integration with HubSpot is another hassle.
  3. The organisation and display of campaigns should be improved because it may get sometimes confusing. Also it misses out on recording out the resources used in a project.
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Benefits of Using Buzz AI


Buzz AI can help businesses save time and money by automating the sales process. This includes tasks like lead generation, data entry, email follow-ups, and more.

The software can help to reduce the number of manual errors that can occur during the sales process, resulting in fewer lost opportunities and increased efficiency.

Businesses can save time and money by implementing Buzz AI, while also seeing an increase in productivity and sales.

Customer Engagement

Buzz AI’s personalized and customized approach can help to create a more positive customer experience.

By tailoring the sales process to the needs and preferences of individual customers, Buzz AI can build trust and loyalty, leading to increased sales and higher customer retention rates.

The software’s intuitive user interface and easy-to-use features can make the sales process more enjoyable and seamless for customers.

Data-driven Insights

Buzz AI has the ability to provide businesses with valuable data and insights. This data can include information on customer behavior, buying patterns, demographics, and more.

By analyzing this data, businesses can gain valuable insights that can be used to optimize the sales process and make informed decisions.

This data can be used to identify trends and make predictions about future sales.

Who is Buzz AI for?

Buzz AI is designed for businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. The software is scalable and customizable, so it can be adapted to fit the needs of any business.

The software can be used by businesses in any industry, as it is not limited to a specific niche or sector. In short, Buzz AI is designed for businesses of all shapes and sizes.

Features of Buzz AI

1. Smart Lead Generation

It uses machine learning to analyze a business’s customer data and identify common traits of their most successful customers.

This information can be used to generate more leads that match the profile of the ideal customer.

The more data a business provides to Buzz AI, the more accurate the lead generation process becomes. It’s a powerful tool for businesses that want to grow their customer base.

2. Automated Follow-ups

Automates the process of following up with customers after they’ve been contacted by a salesperson. This is important because research has shown that most sales are made after the fifth follow-up.

It also saves time and ensures that customers are not forgotten about. It also allows for a more consistent customer experience.

3. Target Lead Generation

This allows businesses to target their marketing efforts to specific groups of people who are most likely to be interested in their products or services.

For example, a business that sells baby products can target new parents or expectant parents with relevant ads and content.

By targeting leads in this way, businesses can increase the effectiveness of their marketing and generate more qualified leads.

4. Lead Verification

This feature uses a variety of methods to verify the accuracy of a lead’s contact information. This includes checking the lead’s email address, phone number, and other details.

This feature is important because it helps to ensure that businesses are only contacting real people who are interested in their products or services.

It also helps to protect businesses from wasting time and resources on leads that are not legitimate.

5. Automated Chatbot

This feature allows businesses to automate common customer service tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions, providing information about products or services, and more.

This can help to free up time for human customer service representatives, who can then focus on more complex or urgent issues.

The automated chatbot feature can provide a consistent experience for customers, regardless of when they reach out for help.

6. Data Analytics

This provides businesses with valuable insights into their customers and sales performance.

For example, businesses can track the number of leads generated, the number of leads converted into customers, the average amount of time it takes to close a sale, and much more.

This information can be used to make informed decisions about marketing, sales, and other aspects of the business. It’s a powerful tool for any business looking to improve its performance.

7. Buzz AI Personal Assistant

This is one of the most popular features of the platform. It allows businesses to create a personalized experience for their customers.

Businesses can use this feature to set up custom greetings, responses, and more. It can be used to create a friendly and engaging experience for customers, which can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

It’s a great way to make customers feel valued and appreciated.

Examples of What Buzz AI Does

Let me say you’re a small business owner who is looking to increase your sales. You decide to use Buzz AI to automate your sales process.

With Buzz AI, you can set up automated emails and follow-ups for your leads. You can also set up customized messages based on customer behavior, such as what products they’ve viewed or added to their cart.

This allows you to personalize the customer experience and build relationships with your customers.

Buzz AI can track customer data and provide insights into how your marketing and sales efforts are performing.

Team Collaboration in Buzz AI

Team collaboration is an important part of the Buzz AI platform. With this feature, businesses can work together to manage leads, share data, and track progress.

 Buzz AI makes it easy for teams to stay organized and efficient. For example, you have a team of salespeople who are using Buzz AI.

Each salesperson can be assigned specific leads to work on. They can then use the platform to track their progress and see how their sales efforts are performing.

The team can also share data and insights to make better decisions about their sales strategy.

Different Ways Buzz AI Can Be Used for Team Collaboration

1. Create Shared Projects

This allows team members to work together on specific projects, such as a new marketing campaign or a sales event.

Everyone on the team can contribute to the project, track progress, and make sure that the project is completed on time.

This feature is especially useful for teams that are working remotely or in different locations.

2. Create Shared Reports

With Buzz AI, you can create reports that track key metrics, such as lead conversion rates, customer retention rates, and more.

These reports can be shared with team members, so everyone has access to the same information. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that decisions are based on accurate data.

3. Assign tasks to team members

Buzz AI makes it easy to assign tasks to team members and track their progress. This is a great way to keep everyone on track and ensure that tasks are completed on time.

Additionally, the platform allows you to set deadlines for tasks and receive notifications when tasks are overdue.

4. Create Workflows

With workflows, you can set up a series of steps that must be completed in order to move a lead through the sales process. This helps to keep the sales process organized and efficient.

Buzz AI Integration

Buzz AI offers a variety of integrations with popular business tools.

 Some of the integrations available include Salesforce, Gmail, HubSpot, and more.

These integrations allow you to connect Buzz AI to your existing tools, so you can use them in conjunction with the platform. This can make your sales process smooth and improve the results you get.

  1. Gmail integration: Allows you to create tasks and events in Buzz AI directly from your inbox. This helps to keep everything organized and prevents you from having to switch between different applications.
  2. Salesforce integration: With this integration, you can sync your leads and opportunities from Salesforce into Buzz AI. This allows you to keep track of your leads and opportunities in one place, making it easier to manage your sales pipeline.
  3. HubSpot integration: This integration allows you to sync your contacts, companies, and deals from HubSpot into Buzz AI. This makes it easy to keep track of your contacts and companies in one place.
  4. Google Calendar integration: This integration allows you to sync your events from Google Calendar into Buzz. It makes it easy to see your calendar events alongside your other sales data. This makes it easy to keep track of your schedule and make sure you don’t miss any important events.
  5. Zapier integration: Zapier is a powerful tool that allows you to connect Buzz AI with hundreds of other apps and services. With Zapier, you can create custom workflows that automate tasks between different apps. For example, you could create a Zap that automatically creates a task in Buzz AI when a new contact is added to your CRM. This can save you a lot of time and help you to be more productive.

Pricing Options For Buzz AI

Buzz has 4 pricing edition, from $99 to $299 per months. Look at different pricing editions below and see what edition and features meet your budget and also your need at the moment.

1. Basic: $99.00 per month /$999 per year (1 user per month)

You get full access to Buzz’s leading scales engagement platform for under $100 per month.

  • 250 Buzz credits
  • Social and Email Automation Tools
  • Buzz video
  • Unified Multi Channel inbox
  • Buzz Pipeline & 2-way Sync
  • AI Magic Campaign
  • Buzz Prospect Finder
  • Prospect & Activity Reporting

2.Growth: $129.00 per month /$1,299 per year (1 user per month)

Everything included within the basic plan plus our AI feature suite and more.

  • 500 Buzz credits
  • Full AI feature suite
  • AI Magic Campaign
  • AI 1 to 1 icebreakers
  • AI inbox sentiment Detection

3. Scale: $179.00 per month /$1,799 per year (1 user per month)

Everything included within the Growth plan plus Buzz dialer and more.

  • 1000 Buzz credits
  • Buzz dialer and SMS
  • Omnichannel Magic Campaign
  • Up to 2000 calling minutes
  • Up to 2000 text messages

4. Unlimited: $299.00 per month /$2,999 per year (1 user per month)

Everything included within the scale plan, plus unlimited data and more.

  • 2500 Buzz credits
  • Unlimited data Enrichment
  • Up to 5000 calling minutes
  • Up to 5000 SMS
  • Up to 5000 Generated Replies.

What I Like About Buzz AI

1. Easy to Use

The interface is simple and intuitive, making it a easy to create and schedule posts.

2. Cost-effective

Buzz AI is a fraction of the cost of some of the other social media management tools out there.

3. Customizable

You can customize the look and feel of your posts to match your brand.

4. Integrates with other tools

Buzz AI integrates with popular tools like Hootsuite and Google Analytics, making it even more powerful.

5. Constant Improvement

The developers are always working to add new features and make the platform better.

6. Reliable

You can count on Buzz AI to be there when you need it and you can be rest assured that your information and data are safe.

7. Save Time

You can automate tasks and processes that you would otherwise have to do manually. This can save you hours of time every week. It can also help you be more productive and efficient.

8. Helps you Stay Organized

The platform has a lot of features that help you keep track of your tasks and deadlines. It can also help you prioritize your work and make sure you’re focusing on the most important tasks.

What I Don’t Like About Buzz AI

  • It may not be compatible with all the systems and tools you’re already using. If you have a specific CRM or marketing platform, you’ll need to make sure that it integrates with Buzz AI. You may need to make some changes to your existing systems and processes.
  • Some businesses may not be comfortable with the idea of using an AI-powered platform for their sales and marketing efforts. If you’re not comfortable with the idea of automation, Buzz AI may not be the right fit for you.
  • It may not be affordable for all businesses. The platform has a monthly subscription fee, which can be expensive for some businesses. So, you’ll need to consider your budget before deciding whether or not to use Buzz AI. That said, the platform may still be worth the cost if it helps you increase your sales and marketing efficiency.
  • It may not be the best fit for businesses that need a lot of customization or flexibility. While the platform does offer a lot of customization options, it may not be able to accommodate every business need.
  • The platform may not be able to handle complex or unusual business processes. So, if your business is unique or has very specific needs, you may need to look for a different solution.

Is Buzz AI Worth it?

To answer this question, I’d like to break it down into two parts;

1. The financial aspect of Buzz AI

It’s true that the platform does come at a cost, but it’s important to consider the potential return on investment.

Buzz AI has a lot of features that can help you increase sales and save time. So, while there is a cost involved, it’s possible that the platform will pay for itself in the long run.

2. The non-financial aspects of Buzz AI

The platform is designed to help you improve your sales process. It can help you keep track of leads, manage your pipeline, and analyze your results.

These features can help you close more deals and increase your revenue. The platform is designed to save you time. It can automate tasks and streamline your workflow.

This can free up your time so that you can focus on other aspects of your business. So, when you consider all of these factors, Buzz AI may be worth it for your business.

What does Buzz AI mean for Local Business owner?

Some of the benefits of Buzz AI to local business owners are;

  • It  help you find and connect with potential customers in your local area.
  • It  help you manage your online reputation and build trust with your customers.
  • It  help you get found online by people who are looking for your products or services.
  • It  help you generate reviews and feedback from your customers.
  • It help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in your industry.

How Will Buzz AI Impact The Workplace

Here are some ways in which it will impact the workplace;

  • It will lead to more efficient and effective sales teams.
  • It will  lead to a more data-driven approach to sales and marketing.
  • It will  lead to more personalized and targeted sales and marketing efforts.
  • It will lead to better customer experiences and higher levels of customer satisfaction.
  • It will lead to more streamlined processes and operations.

What Else Can Buzz AI do?

Buzz AI can provide information, answer questions, make recommendations, and more. It can also learn from past conversations and adapt to the user’s preference

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What Other People says About Buzz AI?


Julie said that “In my company, we’ve really enjoyed our experience with Buzz so far, and have gotten a substantial number of responses to our outreach campaigns.

Isaac, our account lead, is always super responsive and helpful when we need to add or update seats, or just have a general question about our account.”


Tufano said that “The Buzz AI Team is amazing. Their automation platform is top-notch and they have the best support.

Their tool is a fixture in our workflow and has helped us make many placements in our recruiting business. Cheers to George, Isaac and Neil! They are the best!”

Ryan Draving

Ryan Draving also said that “Buzz AI is a great tool for building relationships – I highly recommend Buzz for sales and marketing teams.

The Buzz support team is top notch and they pay attention to and have implemented feature requests.”

Ardi Ghorashy

Even Ardi Ghorashy said that “Been with Buzz for over 2 years after trying a few other options. Easy, intitive and powerful product.

They are continually developing new features. Their support team is personable and attentive.

We have been continually pushing the product to do more with it and when we’re stuck, the chat is with a real person and when we need more in-depth help, my account manager, Isaac with Gareth or Mitzi, the technical experts invite me to a Zoom call and work through our scenarios.”

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My Final Thought on Buzz AI Review

Busy teams need an all-in-one sales technology that allows them to engage more prospects and close more deals without experiencing software exhaustion.

By combining core outreach and lead generation channels with Buzz’s powerful B2B contact database your team can easily streamline their most important prospecting activities.

The best thing I like about Buzz AI is it convenience and it is really quick to generate and launch multiple multichannel campaigns and manage them all at one place.

It also automatically records the data of the campaigns which we can use to improve our future. 

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